1 |
Work Directory Path |
2 |
Timer |
3 |
Get Dev Files |
4 |
Check Solution |
5 |
Final Submission |
6 |
View Score |
7 |
Clear Output |
8 |
Help |
9 |
Question |
10 |
Output |
1. Work Directory Path: This should point to your project directory.
2. Timer: Displays the remaining time available to you to finish the test.
3. Get Dev Files: Downloads the supporting files required for the programming test. The supporting files could be header files, test files, data files, etc. Note: If similar files exist, this option will overwrite them.
4. Check Solution: Uploads the whole project directory contents from the user machine onto the server and evaluates the source against the test cases. The results or any messages will be displayed in the 'Output' tab.
5. Final Submission: Uploads the whole project directory contents from the user machine onto the server and evaluates the source against the test cases. The results or any messages will be displayed in the 'Output' tab. This is a final submission. Once this option is selected, you cannot upload the solution again.
6. View Score: Displays the test score in percentage form. Score opens in a separate browser window.
7. Clear Output: Clears the text in the output tab.
8. Help: PBT Hands-on labs user manual.
9. Question: This tab contains the description of the test question.
10. Output: Displays results or any related messages of 'Check Solution' and 'Final Submission'.