1.login with author access
2.Create a new topic by clicking on Create New Topic tab enter the topic name of your choice, select the access type and click on ok
3. Select the topic from the drop down which you have created and click on New Question.
4.Click on the Hands-on Performance Question.
5. Enter the question name which you want to create and select the question type Python from the drop down list.
6. Task Statement: Describes the problem description of the question to be displayed to the participant while taking assignment/project.
7. Testcase XML: Describes the test case structure of the question to be evaluated against the participant solution.
<testsuite name="sample_pyt" maxscore="6">
<testcase name="valid" maxscore="3">
<exec file="solution.py">
<check marks='3' errormessage="Your code did not work as expected for the valid inputs similar to the examples in the problem statement" id="1">
8.Additional Testcase Files: You can browse and upload one or more additional testcase files, if required.
9.Support Libraries: You can browse and upload one or more support library files that are to be downloaded to user work directory path, if required.
10.By clicking on Update question the question will upload to the server.
11.By clicking Preview Question you can preview the created question.