Admin Guide

Administration Guide

Table of Contents

Create New User

Login with provided credentials and Click on Create a user.Lets you create & modify users for various test. Along with generating their login ids and password.

Fill the required details and press submit to create new user

Successful message will display on submit.

Create a Test

Login with provided credentials and Click on Create a Test.Lets you create a test in which admin can give test attributes like language, level, test duration etc.

Fill the required details and press “Next”

Test successful creation message will appear

Assign a test

Login with provided credentials and Click on Assign a test.Lets you assign a test to a user from the list of tests.

Select a test you want to assign user to

Select the users from the list to assign the test

Test details will be displayed after assignment

Register Users and Schedule Test

Login with provided credentials and Click on Register Users and Schedule Test.Lets you register the users and schedule the test for them.

Click on here link to download the excel sheet

Fill the excel sheet with required details

Browse the excel sheet and click on Upload Schedule

Scheduling successful message will display

Upload Question

Login with provided credentials and Click on Upload Question.Lets you Upload the question directory on to the server.

Browse the zip file and click on Upload Archive

Successful message will appear

Configure Test Questions

Login with provided credentials and Click on Configure Test Questions.Lets you assign questions to the test and set attributes of the test. Any number or type of questions can be assigned depending on requirement.

Select the question you want to configure from the list

1. Configure test for fixed questions

Select the question level and select questions from the list.

Questions selected will appear in the right window

Test Updated message will appear

2. Configure test for buckets questions

Select the buckets and select the number of buckets & questions in them

Select the question level, select the bucket & select from the list of questions

Test Updated message will appear

Reopen a Test for user

Login with provided credentials and Click on Reopen a test for user.Lets you reopen any test for a user who had already finished the test.

Enter the login id of user for which you want to reopen a test.

Select from the list, the test you want to re-open.

Success message will appear along with test name and login id.


Create a Group

Login with provided credentials and Click on Create a Group.

Fill the required details and click on submit to create a new group.

Success message will appear as The group was successfully created on submit.

Upload users into a group

Login with provided credentials and Click on Upload users into a group.

Click on here link to download the excel sheet

Fill the excel sheet with required details

Browse the excel sheet and click on Submit

Scheduling successful message will display

Add User to a Group

Login with provided credentials and Click on Add User to a Group.

Fill the required details and click on Add User to add individual user to a group

User successfully added to the group message will appear

Group Scheduling

1. Schedule test for a group - without time

Login with provided credentials and Click on Schedule test for a group - without time.

Fill the required details and click on submit to schedule a test for a Group.

Success message will appear with the group name.

2. Schedule test for a group

Login with provided credentials and Click on Schedule test for a group.

Fill the required details and click on submit to schedule a test for a Group

Success message will appear with the group name.